What is SEA-EU Academy?
Establishment of SEA-EU Academy as a part of the project represents an important investment in human capital, and with improved knowledge exchange, stronger internal networks and collaboration. The SEA-EU Academy is envisioned as an entirely virtual learning environment as well as a digital platform for organizing and promoting regular virtual training, webinars, and seminars.
The main principles of SEA-EU Academy are:
- Learners and teachers create a learner-centered environment. Solutions are developed and decisions are made based on what is best for learners. Virtual office hours enable touch-points with colleagues and enrich the learning environment.
- Using learning as an opportunity to network and create new connections. Providing means of interaction and communications such as forums and regular webinars. Cohort-based learning provides an opportunity for bonding and multiplying the effect of peer-to-peer learning. Also, creating hybrid learning opportunities combining physical mobilities and virtual learning.
- Peer to peer learning. All participants act as both facilitators, learners and activators. Create a collaborative and reflective learning community. Professional learning communities are a result of relationships. All participants of the learning community jointly add value to the shared virtual learning library.
- Creating time for busy professionals. With a combination of various learning models such as micro courses SEA-EU Academy will provide quick learning opportunities. Live streaming and recordings are providing multiple opportunities for learning at the learners pace. Constant learning approach recognises that learning is a process that permeates all other spheres of learners activities.
- Learners assume responsibility for goal setting as well as attaining proficiency on learning targets. Student progression is based on mastery of content and verified through peer to peer participation, returning back to the community. Gamification and virtual credentials create opportunities to showcase achievements and get deserved recognition while also promoting the SEA-EU Academy. Feedback and quality control is pivotal for attaining learning targets.
- Making space for learners and teachers to innovate -only loosely aligning the learning community. Creating a positive environment where everyone can contribute both as teacher and learner. Favoring iterative processes and culture of feedback.
- Learning community enables achievement and growth of learners in an equitable environment.